Hello From My Kitchen
It would clearly be stating the obvious for me to say that the aim of my business was to provide wholesome, nutritious meals to folks who are looking for a whole food, plant-based option, and of course, this is certainly my mission.
An absolute bonus though of providing healthy nutrition to you which is personally delivered, is the relational aspect of the exchange.
Every Friday (and very recently, Wednesday's as well) I have the good fortune to interact with some beautiful people, some of whom I've known for many years, while others I have come to know only recently through my business, but all of you add such joy to my day through our exchanges of friendly banter, and of course, the occasional hug.
For this, I thank you....
This Week's Menu

Apparently there are favourites, passionately so, and with this in mind, I will be making my Roast Pumpkin and Vegetable Couscous this week, which was one of the very first meals on the menu several months ago.
Beautiful chunks of butternut pumpkin are tossed in olive oil and garlic and roasted in the oven before
being blended with a selection of other veggies and couscous.
being blended with a selection of other veggies and couscous.
'Veganising' recipes is a way of life for me with the chocolate muffin that I am offering on the menu this week being one that I am especially proud of.
Rich and 'chocolatey,' and low in saturated fat, this glazed muffin will satisfy the chocolate craving in even the most earnest of chocolate lovers.
Zesty Lemon Bliss Balls
After a brief absence from the Serene Cuisine menu, the ever popular Zesty Lemon Bliss Balls will make a return this week. In packs of 4, they are chocka block full of dried fruit and nuts with just enough lemon zest to pack a punch.
How To Order
To order your Friday Meal, please fill in the order form on the right-hand side of this blog page, selecting whatever takes your fancy, as well as delivery and payment preferences and any special instructions, and then click submit.
***Please note that if you are placing your order on your mobile device, please scroll all the way to the bottom of the blog page, click on 'View Web Version' and wait for the new page to load before ordering.
Please contact me if you have any special requests re: items that perhaps aren't currently on the menu or menu items in larger quantities.
I welcome any suggestions, comments or feedback, any of which may be submitted via email @ serenityleah13@gmail.com.
If you wish to receive notification of any new blog entries, including new menus or news from the 'serene cuisine' kitchen, enter your email address in the 'Follow By Email' box on the right hand side of this page below the order form, and click submit. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription, and once confirmed, you will receive notification emails of any new blog posts.
Your email address will not be shared and will only be used for the express purpose of sharing news from 'just frank.'
Well, that's all from me for now. I look forward to hearing from you and to seeing those of you who will be on my delivery list this week.
Love and light,
Leah <3
I can't thank you enough Leah for my lovely lunches healthy and yummy snacks. My work day is always so tiring but now my Friday afternoon I have more energy, feel less lethargic and concentrate better. I also suffer with IBS and have less problems since I have been eating your delicious meals.. Always helps me get through my day. Thank you. My favorite is the apple crumble/strudel and anything with chocolate.. but the roasted pumpkin dishes are my most fav.. Also I would like to add that I had never really tried chick peas before or much of couscous. loving it so much. this Pumpkin and couscous is so yummy.. beautifully prepared and nice and gentle in my tummy... thanks again Leah just love what your doing.xo