January @ The Mount Gambier Library market

It's a busy week for me leading up to each market as I spend long days and nights in the kitchen preparing and packaging goodies in readiness for the big day.
This month, I will be featuring my popular veggie burgers in both varieties, Frank's Veggie Burgers and Frank's Gluten Free Veggie Burgers. These will be available in both 6 and 12 packs.

To assist me in quantity estimations, and to spare you the disappointment of missing out on your favourite just frank goodies, I have created a pre-ordering system which is to the right-hand side of this page and from which you can select products that will be available for collection at the market.
I encourage you to take advantage of this service, particularly if gluten free products are your preference. These goodies sell out early every time no matter how much I increase the quantities.

Direct deposit info is available on the order form, but please note that if do you choose to pay on collection, you will need to collect your goodies from me at the market prior to 1pm.
It's going to be a hot one, with a sunny 34 degrees forecast, so I'm looking forward to a huge crowd on Sunday and to seeing you all there.
Love and light,
Leah. <3
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