'Serene Cuisine' Menu 11/12/15

Welcome Back To My Kitchen (otherwise known as the place that I dwell in for 23 hrs of the day.)

Hello again from the 'just frank' kitchen and if you are one of the many visitors to my page, you will possibly be wondering where all the blog posts on a myriad of interesting topics are that I have been promising you all. 

They aren't here, (yet) which I am sure isn't news to you if you've been waiting for them.

I'm going to come clean right now and let you know that there is nothing that could have prepared me for the way my vegan menus have been received and supported by the community, and my oven literally never has enough time to cool down between each order for me to find the time to sit down and put my thoughts out into cyberspace, as much as I crave it. I'm trying....really I am.

I have so much I want to share with you all including recipes, gardening and minimalist living tips as well as my de-cluttering journey which is under way and will continue well into the new year. (Yep, I've beat the New Years Resolution rush!)

Just to clarify my definition of de-cluttering for a moment.... I define anything that distracts me from living the life I desire as clutter including an overflowing 'inbox,' unimportant and pointless activities that drain me of my valuable time, unprocessed bookwork, a less than organised personal diary and an inability to use the word 'no' more often. I know many of you can relate to one or all of these and I am really looking forward to candidly sharing this journey with you as I regain control of my life.

Please don't get me wrong, I couldn't be more open and willing to embrace the ever growing demand for my food, and I feel incredibly blessed to have met so many of you in this past year who have joined me on the Serene Cuisine journey. It confirms what I already knew when this all began, and that is that there is a call for good, healthy, clean and most of all, cruelty-free food out there.

I'm very aware that there is a resistance to hearing the hardcore truth about where your animal based food products come from and the cruelty behind their journey to you, but it's the truth nonetheless.

Rather than 'going in hard' with the message, my mission is to show you through my Serene Cuisine menu selections that there is another way....a better way, a kinder way for all of us.

Xmas Is Coming......And So Is Another Market

With the Mount Gambier Library Market (Xmas Edition) on this Sunday, December 13th, the menu for this Friday is condensed as I spend the week prepping goodies for Xmas hampers, market offerings and some small private catering commitments.

If you are looking to stock up on any of your favourite goodies such as hommus, granola or either chocolate or orange muffins, I will be putting up a pre-paid order form later in the week to ensure you don't miss out come market day.
Last month's market was so busy that these products sold out super early, leaving many of my regular customers disappointed.

I will have Xmas Hampers and gift vouchers available at the market for immediate purchase and will also be taking orders for hampers or for any Xmas goodies you require in the lead up to Xmas day.

This Week On The Menu

This week on the 'Serene Cuisine' menu, I have created a delicious, nutritious and visually delightful couscous dish, with some of my favourite ingredients, roast pumpkin, chickpeas and fresh kale from my garden. 
Served with a sweet mustard and garlic dressing, and with my Tomato and Rosemary Scones and Orange and Poppyseed Muffins on the menu to complete the meal, lunch on Friday is an all round winner. 

Check out the menu on the right-hand side of this page and fill in the order form for your Friday delivery. 

How To Order

To order your Friday Meal, please fill in the order form on the right-hand side of this blog page, selecting whatever takes your fancy, as well as delivery and payment preferences and any special instructions, and then click submit.

Please contact me if you have any special requests re: items that perhaps aren't currently on the menu or menu items in larger quantities.

I welcome any suggestions, comments or feedback, any of which may be submitted via email @ serenityleah13@gmail.com.


If you wish to receive notification of any new blog entries, including new menus or news from the 'serene cuisine' kitchen, enter your email address in the 'Follow By Email' box on the right hand side of this page below the order form, and click submit. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription, and once confirmed, you will receive notification emails of any new blog posts.

Your email address will not be shared and will only be used for the express purpose of sharing news from 'just frank.'

Well, that's all from me for now.
I look forward to hearing from you and to seeing those of you who will be on my delivery list this week.

Love and light,

Leah <3
