Getting My 'Ducks In A Row.....'

Thank you to those of you who have contacted me regarding this week's menu....
As some of you who may not be aware, I spend the majority of my working week in my business as a freelance gardener, providing gardening and home care services to a host of elderly folks in our community. 
I am presently in the process of scaling this down to a more manageable level as I commit more of my time to providing nutritious and delicious meals to the ever growing 'just frank' family.
This week I have felt it necessary to spend some extra time on the scaling down process both on paper and physically, as well as taking care of some private catering commitments for several of my one on one clients.

I apologise for the absence of my regular Friday meals this week, but I promise you that there will be a long term gain in the coming months as I free up more time to be able to offer you a more comprehensive service. (Exciting times ahead!!)
The next Serene Cuisine Menu will be posted here on the blog on Monday 9/11/15 with deliveries taking place on Friday 13/11/15.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and for the constant feedback that you so generously provide. 
This kind of personal contact with you, and the fact that I know together 'we' are making a difference, makes what I am doing here at 'just frank' so meaningful and worthwhile.
If you have any questions about upcoming menus, whole food, plant-based living or if you have any specific requests, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Love and light,
Leah. <3
phone: 0418801887
