Hellooooo Thursday!

Good morning 'franksters,' and welcome to Thursday!

This morning I begin a huge day in the kitchen with 3 simmering saucepans containing varying components of dishes that I am creating, and an oven full of Chocolate Brownies whose 'chocolatey' aroma permeates the whole house and has me salivating.

This week also marks the opening of 'market season' at the Mount Gambier Public Library, with the first one commencing at 10 am this Sunday the 11th of October. Upon checking the weather forecast, it appears we are going to be blessed with perfect market weather.

I will be there with a host of delicious goodies both sweet and savoury so pop on down and say hi!

I am very excited to finally be able to meet so many of my readers face to face and to be able to answer any questions you may have regarding a vegan lifestyle, a whole food plant based diet or to find out more about 'just frank.'

Well, I best get back to the kitchen and to the business of cooking, but before I go, I will leave you with a super easy and nutritious breakfast smoothie recipe to kick start your day.

I hope you enjoy it!

Super Easy Banana Smoothie


2 cups of plant-based milk (soy, almond, oat, rice)
1 medium banana
¼ avocado
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa
2 tbsp rolled oats
1 tbsp LSA Mix or Flax meal

Throw everything in your rocket/bullet blender and blend like crazy until smooth and creamy!
If you don't have a rocket blender, 
adding the ingredients to a tall jug and blending with a stick blender will do the job just as well.

Have a great Thursday folks.....
