** Please Note** If you are ordering from your mobile device, please scroll to the bottom of this page and click 'View Web Version' to view and order from this week's menu. Thank you.
Welcome Back To My Kitchen
Hello again as we not only begin a new week, but a new month as well. I seriously don't know where the time goes and before we know it, it will be Christmas yet again.
A huge bonus this week was the arrival of the beautiful spring sunshine! How nice is it to feel the warmth of the sun on your skin after so many months clothed in layers and layers of winter garments, and with this being said, this week there's a menu to reflect this warmer weather.
Introducing......Date and Almond Granola
This week I am extremely excited to be able to introduce my new Date and Almond Granola to you after many weeks in the test kitchen tweaking the recipe to get just the right balance of flavours, textures and nutrients.
This delicious granola has been out in the 'just frank' testing community for several weeks and is now available for you to purchase from the newly created Frank's Everyday Menu which resides below the regular Friday Menu on the order form.
With the first and second batches having already sold out, I am working on stocking up supplies again to fill this week's orders.
A Morrocan Flavour

This week they will feature in both main meals and show their versatility in the stark differences in the two meals.
I will be making a Sweet Potato Falafel, which are a Middle Eastern Patty traditionally made with chickpeas and spices, but I will be adding a delicious twist with the addition of some perfectly roasted sweet potato and garlic.
The Falafel's will be served with a Tomato and Couscous salad over a bed of baby spinach with a dollop of hommus. This can all be coupled with the Wholemeal Flatbread either as a wrap or as a pocket in which to stuff the Falafel and salad ingredients.
The Falafel's will be served with a Tomato and Couscous salad over a bed of baby spinach with a dollop of hommus. This can all be coupled with the Wholemeal Flatbread either as a wrap or as a pocket in which to stuff the Falafel and salad ingredients.
The second dish will be a Chickpea and Veggie Soup for those folks still craving a hot dish. With a delicious selection of winter veggies, the chickpeas add texture as well as a huge powerhouse of nutrients to this thick and hearty soup.
Doubly Delicious Desserts.....Again
This week, I am again offering two sweet treats.
Last week's introduction of my Chocolate Pecan and Caramel Crisp Bar proved to be a huge success with a second round of deliveries undertaken last Friday afternoon for those requesting a second serving. This, as you can imagine, pleased me no end! (Thank you to all of you! <3)
These feature again this week and will then remain on the new Frank's Everyday Menu below the Friday menu.

Need I say more?? : )
As always, these and all other menu items are available in larger quantities for morning/afternoon teas or for catering purposes upon request.
Please contact me for further information and prices.
Everybody Loves Tofu
With the ongoing popularity of my Marinated and Crumbed Tofu Steaks, and with a growing number of folks more than happy to try this delicacy, I am, for the time being, moving it to Frank's Everyday Menu for your convenience.
I'm super thrilled at the number of people who have now been 'converted' by trying this mostly misunderstood source of protein the way I prepare it.

I'm super thrilled at the number of people who have now been 'converted' by trying this mostly misunderstood source of protein the way I prepare it.
How To Order
To order your Friday Meal, please fill in the order form on the right-hand side of this blog page, selecting whatever takes your fancy, as well as delivery and payment preferences and any special instructions, and then click submit.
***Please note that if you are placing your order on your mobile device, please scroll all the way to the bottom of the blog page, click on 'View Web Version' and wait for the new page to load before ordering.
Please contact me if you have any special requests re: items that perhaps aren't currently on the menu or menu items in larger quantities.
I welcome any suggestions, comments or feedback, any of which may be submitted via email @ serenityleah13@gmail.com.

Your email address will not be shared and will only be used for the express purpose of sharing news from 'just frank.'
Well, that's all from me for now.
I look forward to hearing from you and to seeing those of you who will be on my delivery list this week.
Love and light,
Leah <3
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