Hello From My Kitchen
For those of you who participated in Meatless Monday, I hope you enjoyed it. I will endeavour to post more recipes prior to next Monday for those of you keen to take the opportunity to go 'meat free' again.
On this week's Friday menu, I'm looking forward to offering some more hearty and nutritious winter fare, and with a huge list of Friday regulars now, I'm thoroughly enjoying seeing you all and getting to know you on a more personal level.
Thank you all for your ongoing support.
A Taste Of India

This Friday I will be serving up a belly warming and tasty favourite of mine, Curried Chickpeas served over brown rice.
To accompany this if you so desire, I am offering a piece of wholemeal flatbread, basted in a garlic and sweet paprika infused olive oil blend, sprinkled with oregano and pink Himalayan sea salt, and then baked in the oven until it is just crispy enough to be the perfect curry dipper.
Dessert will be a deliciously moist slice of Apple Shortcake with a cinnamon glaze that adds just enough sweetness to finish off the perfect meal.
How To Order
To order your Friday Meal, please fill in the order form on the right-hand side of this blog page, selecting whatever takes your fancy, as well as delivery and payment preferences and any special instructions, and then click submit.
***Please note that if you are placing your order on your mobile device, please scroll all the way to the bottom of the blog page, click on 'View Web Version' and wait for the new page to load before ordering.
Please contact me if you have any special requests re: items that perhaps aren't currently on the menu or menu items in larger quantities.
I welcome any suggestions, comments or feedback, any of which may be submitted via email @ serenityleah13@gmail.com.
If you wish to receive notification of any new blog entries, including new menus or news from the 'serene cuisine' kitchen, enter your email address in the 'Follow By Email' box on the right hand side of this page below the order form, and click submit. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription, and once confirmed, you will receive notification emails of any new blog posts.
Your email address will not be shared and will only be used for the express purpose of sharing news from 'just frank.'
Well, that's all from me for now. I look forward to hearing from you and to seeing those of you who will be on my delivery list this week.
Love and light,
Leah <3
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