Well here we are, at the start of yet another week and it's going to be a busy day for me in the 'just frank' kitchen as I prepare some beautiful, wholesome goodies for my customers.
As I prepare special orders this morning, veggie burgers, protein balls and soup will all be underway shortly with some relaxing mood music playing in the background.
With this week being Easter week, my usual Friday meal deliveries will be on Thursday due to the Good Friday public holiday.
I hope to have the menu finalised later this afternoon and will post it here on my blog as soon as it's sorted.
With so many new folks joining the 'just frank' community over the weekend, I'm predicting a huge week which excites me no end and I thank you all for your wonderful words of encouragement and support.
With the recent changes to the way Facebook 'pages' show up in your news feed, often just liking a page doesn't guarantee that you will see every post. Please check your settings to make sure you are receiving my posts if you are wanting to receive weekly menus and ordering info and be sure to like posts on my page regularly to ensure content continues to appear.
Your personal email info is never shared, and is only used for the purposes of sharing info with you about 'just frank' and 'serene cuisine.'
Wishing you all a wonderful Monday .
Love and Light,
Leah. <3
As I prepare special orders this morning, veggie burgers, protein balls and soup will all be underway shortly with some relaxing mood music playing in the background.
This Week's Orders

I hope to have the menu finalised later this afternoon and will post it here on my blog as soon as it's sorted.
With so many new folks joining the 'just frank' community over the weekend, I'm predicting a huge week which excites me no end and I thank you all for your wonderful words of encouragement and support.
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To further ensure that you are receiving up to date info, feel free to subscribe to my blog by entering your email address in the 'Follow by Email' box on the right hand side of this page. You will receive an email which will require you to confirm your subscription. Once confirmed, you will receive a notification email every time I post a new blog ensuring that you'll never miss an order date or up to date news on what's happening.Your personal email info is never shared, and is only used for the purposes of sharing info with you about 'just frank' and 'serene cuisine.'
Wishing you all a wonderful Monday .
Love and Light,
Leah. <3
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