Seriously, They're Only 'Things.'

I hope I've inspired some of you to at least consider a bit of a household de -clutter and judging from the feedback I've been receiving, its just what we've all needed. There's probably no better month than January to get started while the thoughts New Years resolutions are still fresh in our minds.
So, if you've made the decision to get started on your life makeover, you'll probably be wondering how to sort your goodies into categories of what's staying, what's leaving and which items need some consideration.
Some De-Cluttering Rules
One year rule: If you haven’t worn it/used it/looked at it in a year, its time for it to go.
Doesn't belong to you: This is the worst type of clutter – you don’t even own it! Give it back to the person who does.
Guilt: Life gets busy, and you shouldn’t put more pressure on yourself by feeling responsible for things. They are just things, and don’t get you any closer to your goals particularly
 if you are beating yourself up over them.
‘Just in case’: Think about the items you keep for this reason.  Have any of those events come up when you actually needed them? 
Publications: Magazines and newspapers are old; the information contained in them is most likely outdated.  All of this information is easily found on the web.  This goes for some books also. (it hurt me to say that!!)
Done: There are items that we just don't need, impulse purchases, broken or outdated items or quite simply, our tastes have changed. These things can sometimes be the hardest to make a decision about but if you aren't feeling the love when you look at them or they aren't functional, out they go.
Simply the best: Only put back into your wardrobes and cupboards the best of what you own or things that you simply cannot part with.
Keeping these rules in mind will help you really make the most of your de-cluttering.

Your plan of attack – 3 simple steps

Step 1 – Sort through the selected room and put items into appropriate boxes
Step 2 – Organise the items you are keeping
Step 3 – Dispose of unwanted things
Before you start your de-clutter, you need to organise how you are going to package up whats leaving the house. I use/used boxes and garbage bags, lots of them. Bags were great for lighter items such as clothes, cushions and linen etc and the boxes were perfect for heavier items. Boxes are available from many clothing or retail stores for free if you go in and ask for them. Most often they come already folded down so a roll of packing tape is essential to assemble them.
Label four boxes with the following categories:
  • rubbish
  • op shop
  • give away (friends etc)
  • unsure. *This box should get a week of thinking time 'maximum.'

Step 1: Sorting
To support your goal of a clutter-free home, you should only going to keep what supports you.  Everything else goes. Use your 'unsure' box. You will want to keep up your de-cluttering momentum so spend time contemplating those items you are hesitant to part with later.
Sometimes it’s easier to just clean instead of making those tough decisions because it’s familiar and simple to do. Do not spend all of your time doing this.

Step 2: Organising

Sometimes ‘good enough’ is just good enough. Don’t take time from the de-cluttering to make your home perfect, there will be time for that later. Keep up your momentum.
A Right Place for Everything
Take time to think about how you use the space you’ve just cleared and place items back accordingly. I've realised whilst undertaking my de-cluttering that my kitchen bench is in fact not my office desk!
Step 3: Out it goes.
Getting unwanted items out of the house
Since you worked so hard to get here, make sure you get rid of the clutter as soon as possible.
I have posted a link below which lists some of our local charities and their locations that will be only too happy to take some of your unwanted goodies. As they say, "one mans trash is another mans treasure." Please check with them regarding the types of items they will accept as there are some guidelines you will need to adhere to.
The link below will take you to the Mount Gambier City Council Waste Transfer Station information page where you will find info regarding the dumping of unwanted items such as computer screens, tv's and other items that aren't suitable for the op shops. The page also lists prices for the dumping of rubbish and the station's opening times. Don't hesitate to give them a call if you are unsure of anything.
Well, I hope this information will help to get you started if you haven't already. 
As I said in a previous blog, the first bag/box is the hardest but the rewards are long lasting and will give you the opportunity to set up some new habits to keep your newly de-cluttered home organised. 
