Well, here we are on yet another Monday morning and I don't know where the weekend went but its gone. With all that I had on my agenda, including work, a haircut and various family activities, my de-cluttering project took a backseat and the half packed boxes from last week remain in my hallway as we speak.
I know how important keeping up the momentum on such a task is, so I will be undertaking a mini start over after work tonight as I tackle a drawer in my sideboard cupboard which sits in the hallway. This beautiful old, oak sideboard is one of my favourite pieces of furniture.
There's nothing fancy about it really and it's been well loved in the 30 years that I've had it and there's also a few dents and scratches from it's life before I owned it.
It has two drawers which sit above two quite large cupboards. Every inch of it's usable space is chocka block full. The drawers are like the ones I mentioned in a previous blog that contain every thing from batteries, phone chargers and torches to the girls old report cards, photos and candles.
I'm wondering if that's hard for you to imagine or do you have drawers like that yourself?
The cupboards currently house old magazines, boxes of candles (just in case you were wondering, yes, you can have too many candles!!) and all manner of things...I use the word 'things' as I'm embarrassed to say that I really don't know what's in there which would tell me that I will need a rather large garbage bag for this one.
As I head off to work, a part of my breakfast also took on a minimalist look this morning as I cut up some fresh Figs to add to my bowl of muesli. Along with Mangoes, Figs are right up there as a favourite part of my Summer fruit regime. Their season is even shorter than the Mango season and I am fortunate enough to have someone very dear to me that keeps me supplied with fresh, organic Figs from a tree in their garden.
I hope, like me, you feel freshly inspired on this Monday morning to begin/resume your de-cluttering journey and I look forward to sharing more tips with you as I plough on through, this week, securing quotes to have a skip bin delivered to my driveway for the de-cluttering of my sheds. Stay tuned!!

There's nothing fancy about it really and it's been well loved in the 30 years that I've had it and there's also a few dents and scratches from it's life before I owned it.
It has two drawers which sit above two quite large cupboards. Every inch of it's usable space is chocka block full. The drawers are like the ones I mentioned in a previous blog that contain every thing from batteries, phone chargers and torches to the girls old report cards, photos and candles.
I'm wondering if that's hard for you to imagine or do you have drawers like that yourself?
The cupboards currently house old magazines, boxes of candles (just in case you were wondering, yes, you can have too many candles!!) and all manner of things...I use the word 'things' as I'm embarrassed to say that I really don't know what's in there which would tell me that I will need a rather large garbage bag for this one.

I hope, like me, you feel freshly inspired on this Monday morning to begin/resume your de-cluttering journey and I look forward to sharing more tips with you as I plough on through, this week, securing quotes to have a skip bin delivered to my driveway for the de-cluttering of my sheds. Stay tuned!!
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