Hi, my name is Leah and with my blog 'just frank' still in its infancy and as I still work on getting a schedule of writing frequency in place, I am pleasantly surprised to have so many of you subscribing to email updates already. I am also amazed at how far and wide the net has been cast with many subscribers and readers from interstate, which pleases me no end.
The purpose of my blog is to share with those visiting, some useful information on a plant based diet and its health benefits in the form of recipes, gardening tips, lifestyle information and articles introducing you to things you may not have been aware of while embarking on the journey to health and wellness.
I would like to share with you a little of my background so that you have an idea as to the angle I am coming at all of this from.
Firstly, Id like to make it clear that I have no professional training in this field. No certificates, degrees or diplomas. Any information that I share with you here is purely from what I have witnessed, researched and personally experienced in my own life as I've journeyed from 'there' to 'here.'
Up until I was 30 years of age, I ate a standard diet, meat and 3 veggies and a plethora of junk food. It was nothing for me to sit on the couch after tea of an evening and consume a bag of potato chips, a large bowl of ice-cream with lashings of chocolate topping all washed down with the a couple of glasses of Coke. While on the subject of Coke, at the height of my health breakdown, I was consuming about 2 litres of this chemical and sugar laden beverage a day.

Overnight, and without hesitation, I gave up all junk food. Everything. Within a week, I had eliminated red meat and in the coming months, chicken and fish as well. Under supervision, I also set up a regular exercise programme, which combined with my new found nutritional health, had me feeling the best I had ever felt. I remained Vegetarian for 2 years until, for both health and ethical reasons, I became Vegan, eliminating both eggs and dairy from my Lacto-ovarian diet.
In 2005, at the age of 41 and after some ongoing episodes of depression, my battle with Anorexia Nervosa began, a near fatal dance which lasted for approximately 6 years in varying degrees of severity. My health declined rapidly as did the state of my marriage and the relationships with those around me.
Late in 2009, my marriage ended and so began my solo journey, which in hindsight, could have easily ended very badly had it not been for the unwavering support of my 3 beautiful daughters and my amazing and compassionate GP. *I am more than happy to talk more about my recovery from Anorexia in future blogs for those interested, in the hope that I may inspire someone on a similar trajectory.
The last 5 years have been such an amazing journey for me and I sometimes need to pinch myself to be reminded of how far I've come. (Old photos are a haunting leveller!) My food choices remain Vegan for ethical and health reasons but when I think back as to how unwell I felt 20 years ago, the health aspect propels me forward with gusto. I seriously cannot imagine living any other way now.
I thank you all for your support so early in this part of my journey and I look forward to your company on the next leg.
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