With the warmer days signalling 'salad days,' there's nothing like a handful of fresh sprouts to add some nutrient dense crunch to your favourite Summer salad.

I'm a huge fan of a whole range of sprouts including Mung Bean, Chick Pea, Lentil and the most commonly known and used, Alfalfa. I've always preferred to sprout my own so as to ensure absolute freshness and to be guaranteed the absence of chemicals and in doing so, have tried a variety of different sprouting methods and purpose made sprouters. There are some good ones on the market but for me, nothing beats the cheap and simple Maison jar (or any medium sized glass jar) with a piece of Muslin stretched over the top secured with a rubber band. This morning I've put a batch of Mung Beans in for soaking ready for the seasons first delicious and vitamin packed sprouts which will enhance a whole range of my favourite Summer salads.
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